About us

in rubber

About us

Since 1960 we have dedicated ourselves to support and encourage the growth of different sectors in the industry by importing and distributing raw materials.

Along with our family vision, and the third generation already involved in the business, the idea of an industrial project arose in 2004 that in mid-2006 materialized with the creation of ISISA, consolidating itself in the market as one of the leading and most modern producers of rubber compounds for industry.

What we do

We are a company dedicated to the development, manufacture and commercialization of rubber compounds for the industry.

Under a stern quality control system and the latest technology applied to our processes, we provide an excellent service, always encouraging the link between customers and suppliers, adapting to the market's changing needs.


01. Investment and Innovation in Technology applied to processes.

02. Deep knowledge of the Market.

03. Quality and Continuous Improvement Policies.

04. Raw Materials supplied by first level manufacturers.

05. High degree of Professionalization and Commitment of our staff.

& Mission

Be a leading company in the development, elaboration and commercialization of rubber compounds for the local and international industry.

Our mission is to consolidate and expand the business of manufacturing and marketing of rubber compounds by fully satisfying our clients' needs, encouraging technological investment, and fostering our collaborators' commitment, professionalization, and team spirit.


ISISA turns its logistics into a competitive advantage based on customer service and better responsiveness.

Permanent Stock

We have a large and permanent stock of all our raw materials, national and imported. This allows us to provide a quick response to our customers, as well as respond to sudden variations in our demand.

Our Partners